Saturday, December 31, 2011

Saturday 31st Dec 2011

The swell is still in the 3ft range from the E, but the wind has swung a little and is now out of the ENE. The onshore winds have continued, still making conditions pretty ugly but a little more user friendly swell size. Another partly cloudy day with pretty warm temps so far.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday 30th Dec 2011

The ESE wind and swell trend has continued with the waves dropping a little to be around the 3ft mark, with the drop in swell it has made it a little more user friendly on the beach breaks but just really choppy from the wind. Another partly cloudy day but hopefully more sun than cloud.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Thursday 29th Dec 2011

The ESE wind and swell is still around with the waves in the 4-5ft mark but seem even messier than yesterday, with the wind relentless. There still is nowhere to hide from this wind, so could be pretty hard to find somewhere protected. Another partly cloudy day with the wind making it a little fresh.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wednesday 28th Dec 2011

ESE wind and swell this morning making conditions pretty ugly, the swell is still pretty solid around the 5ft mark. Again beaches are out of control and with the wind out of the E there is nowhere to hide from it. Another partly cloudy day and a little bit cool with the wind.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Tuesday 27th Dec 2011

A pretty strong S wind has come up making conditions pretty messy, there is still plenty of swell around in the 5-6ft mark from the E. The beach breaks can't handle the size and the best bet is to find those protected southern corners. Not the best looking day with a really overcast day and maybe even a shower or 2.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday 26th Dec 2011

Pretty solid ENE swell this morning around the 4-5ft mark with a light NW wind. The beach breaks are having trouble handling the size, so maybe a bit of searching to do today. Pretty clean, swell and not a bad looking day, time to surf!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Sunday 25th Dec 2011

Not a bad looking Christmas morning with the waves mostly in the 2ft range with the odd 3ft sets accompanied by a light NW wind. Pretty clean with some nice looking peaks and definitely worth getting wet. The best looking day in a while and quite warm....MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday 24th Dec 2011

ENE wind and swell this morning with the waves in the consistent 2ft range, it is still lacking a little power and the wind is pretty light where it isn't too choppy yet. Could be the 1st signs of the predicted NE swell and lets hope something happens in the next few days. ANOTHER overcast day with the sun popping out now and then.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday 23rd Dec 2011

Pretty similar to yesterday with the waves a little smaller in the 1 ft range from the ESE with a light SE wind, the waves are not offering too much and are crumbling through and lacking power, not too much to get keen about and on top of that another overcast day, getting a little depressing now.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Thursday 22nd Dec 2011

ESE wind and swell this morning making conditions pretty ugly, on top of that the waves have dropped to the 1-2ft mark. The waves are quite crumbly with the onshore wind and not offering much at all, ground hog day with another overcast day.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday 21st Dec 2011

Consistent lines of 2ft swells are coming through this morning from the ESE, there is a light SE wind up also making it a little messy. There are some surfable waves with pretty smooth faces but depends on how much the wind picks ups, another overcast day but quite warm.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday 20th Dec 2011

A South wind is up early this morning, making conditions a little choppy, the waves are around the 2ft mark from the E, but expect the swell to swing more to the S throughout the day with the wind. There are some rideable waves but just depends on how hard this wind blows. Another overcast day.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday 19th dec 2011

Waves and wind have swung to the N today, the waves are still in the 2-3ft range from the ENE and the wind is a light NW. Again there are some fun little peaks and with a bit of searching there should be some good waves to be found. Another overcast day but still pretty mild temps.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday 18th Dec 2011

Waves are around the 2-3ft mark from the SE with a light W wind, another partly cloudy day but pretty mild temps this morning. there are some pretty nice looking peaks all over the place and probably worth getting wet.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday 17th Dec 2011

The sun is out for once but still a pretty cloudy day, the waves are still in the 3ft range from the ESE, joined by a SE wind. The waves have some ok shape but the wind is making it a little choppy and messy, while the sun is out might be worth getting wet but no where to really hide from the wind today.